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one year, fifty-two cakes

Apr 24, 20126 min read
Welp. Here it is. Here is the culmination of 547 days worth of constant caking. When I say constant, I mean throughout the course of an...

Mar 15, 20123 min read
51: Shh, Baby. You’re Beautiful.
Before I apologize for the heap of shit that is this week’s cake, which I realize I’ve been doing a lot lately, let me tell you right off...

Feb 17, 20123 min read
FIFTY – The Tragic Tale of the Cake that NO ONE WANTED
I think that my youth lived in my appendix. Hear me out. This past December I ate a standard sausage egg and cheese brinner sandwich and...

Jan 12, 20123 min read
49. Waffle Haus.
I have to warn you right off the bat – this post is going to be a self-indulgent one. Offensively self-indulgent. To the point where, if...

Jan 10, 20122 min read
FortyEight – James and the Dumb Idea
How far are we into this thing? Forty eight? Crazy. You know there are only fifty-two, right? You realize that after 52, the project...

Dec 15, 20112 min read
47: It'sa Me, Meh-rio
Once again, I find myself bested by that immoveable temptress, gravity. I was really just being dumb, though. I didn’t think this one...

Dec 4, 20113 min read
46 -> Here, Kitty Kerdy
I live in Brooklyn now! Too many people were occupying the street I lived on, so I took matters into my own hands. I said goodbye to Wall...

Nov 11, 20113 min read
FortyFive: Adventures in Africa
I’d like to think that people come to this blog for life-altering advice, cake decorating tips, and truth bombs. In that order. That’s...

Oct 22, 20113 min read
44 – Yer a Wizerd, Harry
When I made the decision to make a Harry Potter cake, I said to myself – well, self, you had better do this thing right. I set out to...

Oct 11, 20111 min read
43: Movie Magic
Instead of me squawking at you about my process, how about I just let modern technology take the reins this week, yeah? Jack was working...

Oct 5, 20113 min read
Forty-Two: Maygim anoffah eecan’ refoos
Roses! Blue-ass roses. It’s a new thing I’m trying – taking things that are usually red, and making them blue. You may remember the blue...

Sep 18, 20113 min read
41: Shut up, Gravity
I don’t want to have the type of blog that is fueled by self-deprecation. But the only way to describe this week’s cake is by using some...

Sep 5, 20113 min read
Forty. Vincent Van Nope.
Behold, the fruits of something like 20 hours of unnecessary labor. You might recognize this cake as a rendition of Vincent Van Gogh’s...

Aug 29, 20113 min read
39: Haters to the Left.
Welcome to your fantasy. Please find a sexy crustacean, directly above. This is what you get. This is what you get when you put me, Adam...

Aug 9, 20110 min read

Jul 19, 20114 min read
Thirty-Seven: OH MY GOD BABY
This past weekend, my brother’s fiance had a baby, and now I have a niece. Which is absolutely insane. Is my brother ready for...

Jul 3, 20112 min read
36: In Which I Learn You About Shoes
Most people wear shoes. I know I do. And since life imitates art, here’s a cake that looks like a shoe. You’re welcome. I can’t say that...

Jun 26, 20112 min read
35: Pangwang
This penguin is not anatomically correct. I should evaluate the reasons why every cake I make resembling a living creature always ends up...

Jun 24, 20112 min read
It’s summer now, everyone. Do you know how I know that? It’s actually a hilarious story. You’re going to really get a kick out of this,...

Jun 22, 20113 min read
Thirty Two: One if by Land, Two if by Meh
It’s um, well…it’s supposed to be a lighthouse. If that wasn’t clear. It’s sort of dinky-looking. Only after revisiting the photos am I...

Jun 8, 20112 min read
31: LGM
My brother once told me that he only reads my blog after he does a word search for his name in the body text, so he’s going to love the...

Jun 4, 20113 min read
Thirty! Welcome!
I’m back! Isn’t that wonderful. I’ve got quite a backlog of cakes so this post right here is but a tip of a large iceberg, as it were....

May 10, 20113 min read
I’m taking a different approach with this week’s cake. Instead of slapping you in the face right off the bat with a picture of the end...

Apr 19, 20113 min read
28: So Many Cakes of Adam
Sweet, sweet nostalgia. Simpler times, nineteen-ninety-whatever. I remember being too young to own a Game Boy upon its release, but I was...

Apr 3, 20113 min read
Twenty Seven: Must Love Dogs
It may not be apparent from this photo that this is a birthday cake. Sorry about that. I finished this cake moments before I left for...

Mar 23, 20113 min read
Ooooooh we’re halfway Jovi, BAAH-AHN! Jovi, Jovi, Joooovie
Hear me out. I’m Tarantinoing, here. Above, you’ll see the fate of this week’s cake. How did this happen? Who would do such a thing?...

Mar 13, 20112 min read
Twenty Five - RAAAHHAAWR
Shiny new site! It’s like it’s a real website. I’ve also gotten involved in something the kids are calling “social networking,” so if...

Mar 9, 20113 min read
24: HelvetiCake
Typography. Look into it. It’s literally everywhere. And over the past couple of weeks I’ve been noticing it with much more intensity,...

Mar 6, 20112 min read
XXIII: StomachCake
Here’s another week in which my cake is largely influenced by my ginger brother. The gchat conversation with him started as most do –...

Mar 3, 20112 min read
22, The Nerdiest Cake of All Time (NCoAT)
What is that? A dinosaur? An abnormal growth? If I eat it, will I die? Will it die? If approached with a knife, will it defend itself?...

Feb 28, 20112 min read
Forever Twenty One
More cake shaped like food. In case you thought for a moment that I was capable of an imaginative thought beyond things that are edible....

Feb 27, 20112 min read
20 - That's a Hat, Alright
I’ve got to get better at time management. In all aspects of my life. For one, this cake idea was conceived a week before construction,...

Feb 4, 20114 min read
Nineteen: ...get it?
It’s a urinal cake! It is both a cake and a urinal. A urinal cake. And although I have never personally used one of these things, I know...

Jan 27, 20113 min read
Eighteen: Poverty is the New Financial Stability
Lately I’ve been feeling like my checking account statement is too large for its own good. So I decided to move to Manhattan. A week ago...

Jan 19, 20114 min read
Cake 17: Possibly Homosexual
This week’s cake is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. I am not the bragging type. But seriously. You have never seen a cake as...

Jan 11, 20113 min read
16: Cakes of Adam
At first glance, this cake makes no sense whatsoever to you. Probably. Unless you read the blog of one Adam Ellis of the Portland region....

Jan 6, 20112 min read
Fifteen: Voted Most Conceited Teapot
Reminder: three posts including this one have gone up today, so scroll scroll scroll and catch up if you’re into that. Why a teapot?...

Jan 4, 20114 min read
14: Here Comes Terrified Santa
Here are some more excuses I came up with to explain why recent posts have been a million years late: 1.) The semester ended, and holiday...

Jan 2, 20113 min read
First of all, allow me to apologize for the extreme lateness of this post. This cake was complete on the 15th of December, and it is now...

Dec 13, 20103 min read
Twelfth Cake. WELP.
Yeah. Not great. But listen, alright? Let me explain. I’ve had a busy week. You may or may not know that I am currently completing a...

Dec 10, 20103 min read
Eleven Million Letters
Sorry. No food this week. I decided instead to do a cake that would be a solid exercise in a skill that is really important to master –...

Dec 1, 20102 min read
Ten is for Turkey
Thanksgiving! A day to celebrate that fateful day when the native americans brought corn to the pilgrims and they all had a nice turkey...

Nov 23, 20104 min read
Cake Neuf! Boeuf!
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, my god, is she capable of making a cake that isn’t in some way related to food? I made an...

Nov 16, 20103 min read
Cake Eight: Ate Cake.
Alright so you wouldn’t know it from this picture, but this cake was a real doucher, let me tell you. I had started the weekend with such...

Nov 10, 20103 min read
Cake Seven. Maybe avoid China.
Let’s pick up where we left off. The apple cake from last week was demolished on the same friday evening in which this week’s cake was...

Nov 1, 20105 min read
Cake Six Promotes Healthy Eating Habits
Those who know me know that I have always been obsessed with healthy eating. Those who truly know me know that when I say "healthy...

Oct 25, 20103 min read
Cake the Fifth: Didn't See You, There
So I wasn't aware that Richard Scarry lurked in my subconscious, but those of you familiar with the show will without a doubt find it...

Oct 18, 20103 min read
Cake Four. They're not all winners.
Alright. So this week's cake was a dud. In more ways than one. But when I made a vow, a solemn vow, the most legit vow you can imagine -...

Oct 11, 20102 min read
Cake Three! Where's my eye!?
For future reference - and you may have noticed this - I tend to design cakes that are in direct reference to some sort of either...

Oct 3, 20104 min read
Cake 2: I Missa m'Tissa
I've decided to recognize Tessa's 23rd birthday in cake form, which, I realize, is not any sort of groundbreaking or innovative idea....
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