I live in Brooklyn now! Too many people were occupying the street I lived on, so I took matters into my own hands. I said goodbye to Wall Street and hello to a borough in which real trees grow. So what does this mean. Well, it means I live four miles from where I used to live, but it takes about 40 extra minutes to get places now. Except for the dog biscuit store on the corner – that’s super close. And super convenient. For the dog that I don’t have.
This week’s cake was made a few weeks back, while I was still living in Manhattan. But we ate it in Brooklyn, so it still plays. I’ve been thinking a lot about the geography of New York City, as a result of my recent move. And what I’ve learned is that Brooklyn and Queens are large, Manhattan is small, the Bronx is farther away from me than I can even comprehend, and Staten Island is irrelevant. I’ve noticed that subways run beautifully and efficiently in Manhattan, and in Brooklyn, I saw a sign once on the F train entrance that said “you should probably just walk.” People are generally friendlier in Brooklyn, and the whole “hipster” thing, while not a myth, is a bit overblown. Manhattan is urgent. Everyone is late for something. There are so many neighborhoods packed into such a small space, that you get culture shock when you walk a block. In Brooklyn, there are front lawns, and people decorate them with cherubs. This list is comprehensive.
Below, you’ll find a visual aid. So accurate is this map, that you might want to use it instead of the internet, for all internet-related searches.

Ooooh, look. He’s got a tiny rubix cube.
So, the cake. If you can believe it, my original intention was for this to be a kitty cake. A cake that looks like a kitty. Some will argue that I accomplished this goal. Others will say that it looks like an ewok that is questioning its sexuality. In the end it didn’t really matter to me, because the thing took so long, and I just love the way it came out. And I blew through every episode of Parks and Recreation in the process, which was fun.

Here you will notice that I started out heading in a kitterly direction.

Then I started in with my new extruder, the tool I used to make all those little fur bits.

When I attached the nose and the eyes…that’s when I sort of knew that I was making something that was probably not a cat. But I powered through with the help of Ron Swanson and several beers.

I was really pleased with the outcome. But it did not go unnoticed that I yet again made a cake resembling a living creature that appears to have some sort of social anxiety disorder. Why do I keep doing that?
We ate the cake on Brittany and Katie’s roof in Brooklyn. Because of my recent lack of cake-eating pictures, I overcompensated, and told everyone that they needed to “act natural” so the pictures could be “candid.”

And I just don’t have an explanation for this one

Success. Another cake, in the books. Look at me here, smiling as if to say Hey Brooklyn. I’m going to live in you now. Deal with it.

Gross, hipster baby!
