Shiny new site! It’s like it’s a real website. I’ve also gotten involved in something the kids are calling “social networking,” so if you’d be so kind, please call facebook and tell them you’d like to become a “fan” of my “page.” Or you can “click the link.” If it doesn’t work, try double-clicking. Also, follow me on the twitters.
Friendliest dinosaur that ever existed, right here. Friendlier than Yoshi, absolutely. Yoshi is a ruthless fleshfiend compared to this smiling fellow. Look at his teeth. Those teeth could not pierce a banana. This little guy just wants to be your friend, share a milkshake. Maybe confide in you that he’s a little slow, mentally, and enjoys to rub his face on things that are soft.
The inspiration for this one originally came from Jack’s fractal cake. Remember how I said it started out looking like a dinosaur? Then I made it and realized that it looked strikingly similar to my third cake, the monster cake. Then it was brought to my attention that it also resembled Seth Rogen’s character in Monsters vs. Aliens, Bob the Blob. Also Reptar. Also I used a photo of the dinosaurs from Bubble Bobble as inspiration.

Pulled from a lot of sources for this one.
I took this weekend as an opportunity to say what’s up to Connecticut, catch up, drive all over it – so I was back in my old kitchen decorating this cake. I was thinking of ways to build the dinosaur, to make the shape I had envisioned, and I settled on brownie. Turns out that freshly cooked brownies, still absurdly hot from the oven, make for a great molding material. But I’m pretty sure I don’t have fingerprints anymore. It’s like clay. Delicious, inexpensive clay. So I cooked the brownies, cut the mouth shape from the cake, and built me a dinosaur.

Brought the friendly dinosaur up to Danbury to eat it with friends along with some homemade brews provided by friend Bob. Cutting this guy open was difficult. Did I feel a bit like George taking the initiative and shooting the slow-but-lovable Lennie in the classic novel Of Mice and Men? Yes. I did. It was for his own good.
