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31: LGM

My brother once told me that he only reads my blog after he does a word search for his name in the body text, so he’s going to love the shit out of this post.

Joseph Oliver Rossi III turned 28(?) on May 18th, and as you may have guessed, he is a fan of the Mets. Since he was a wee boy, he’s followed the team. I remember as kids watching a VHS about the ’86 Mets repeatedly. Well, I didn’t watch the thing, I usually tuned it out so I could direct all my attention towards putting stickers on my face, which, incidentally, I became very good at.

He’s stuck with the team through thick and thin, and I hear that this season is proving to be one of the “thin” ones. I’m not being facetious. I have no idea what I’m talking about.

Anyway, since I completely dropped the ball in terms of taking cake construction pics for this one, I thought I’d have some fun revisiting my childhood. Tender years of yore. In an effort to brief you people on the childhood/adolescent development of my brother – in honor of his birth, I’ve created this infographic. You will probably find it to be incredibly informational, and also extremely graphic.

My brother was the cutest effing child. Ask my mother. She’ll tell you.

What’s this? Proof?!?

There. Now you know. Now you know what a stressful childhood I had, having to grow up next to that adorable thing. Such a burden. Such hardships. Life is hard.

So I guess I should show you the single construction photo I took. About three quarters of the way through the process, I remembered that I would eventually need to write a blog post about this cake, and that people would rather look at photographs than fat blocks of text. People would look at mildly interesting wallpaper before a fat block of text, let’s be honest.

After that, I thought WELP, not much more to see here, and I put the camera away. In reality, there was plenty more to see. But you can pretty much figure out what I did here – I printed out a 6″ logo, cut out the landscape and the text separately, and cut the fondant to match. Then I added the details – piped frosting, little orange baseball stitches. Boom.

I brought the cake up to New Haven, where Joey lives. His fiance, Kateri, planned a sweet gathering at their place. He just about pooped his pants when he saw the cake.

Suddenly, a wild Mets fan appears!

 And another!

The funny thing is, this wasn’t even a Mets-themed party. Joey just surrounds himself with like-minded people.


Joey couldn’t bring himself to continue cutting the cake, so Whitney (Yankees Guy) gladly stepped in. I’m pretty sure a piece of my brother died.


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